

New, Better, More

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, August 10 2022

If someone were to ask me what their life mantra should be, I would suggest, “New, Better, More”.  Why?  Because that’s what keeps life interesting, engaging, and meaningful.  Let’s discuss. This blog and the book, The Meaning of Life, talk a lot about growth.  Growth is ultimately the point of life, as all living organisms strive to grow and it ma...

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The Positive Outcome

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, July 27 2022

There is one unifying goal in all of life: the positive outcome.  Everyone is looking for that one meaning in life that makes them feel fulfilled: service to others, love, happiness, pleasure, achievement, learning, personal growth, financial success, respect, or appreciation.  The truth is that it is all growth-related, as everyone looks forward t...

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Money Is the Root of All Awesome

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 23 2022

"Money is the root of all evil."  Yes, it's a cliché because people will do horrible things over money: lie, cheat, steal, fight, and even kill.  It's also the source of much jealousy in this world: some people have it; some people don't; some people resent that others have more than they do (regardless of how much they have).  But most anger, jeal...

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Boredom: Very Important…and Very, Very Dangerous

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 2 2022

“Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.”  You might have heard this saying, which summarizes well the downsides of boredom.  Boredom is an emotional response to the lack of novelty, challenge, or engagement coming from a person’s surroundings, and it is a very important mechanism for keeping people and animals engaged in play and other activities tha...

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Your Desires Are [Subject to Change]

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 16 2022

After talking about how desires are a good thing despite some philosophies pointing out that they can sometimes cause you to to feel negative emotions, I thought I’d provide a short overview of how desires evolve over time. Whereas in my previous post I discussed how the endless number of desires you’ll have in your life is not necessarily a signal...

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The Purpose of The Meaning of Life Blog

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 20 2021

The Meaning of Life Blog has a clear mission: To help individuals understand the primary drivers of humans' sense of meaning in life so that they can foster a greater sense of purpose in their own lives. Why is this so important, and what is different about how I help people with meaning and purpose compared to people who have been writing or speak...

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Be Like an Ant

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 13 2021

Setbacks can hit your psyche pretty hard.  Major losses involve mourning and recovery processes.  New roadblocks require resilience and new strategies.  When success requires desire and belief, evidence to the contrary of your progress toward your goals can be difficult to look past so that you can retain your will to carry on.

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You Didn’t Choose to Be Born...But Should You Act Like You Did?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, July 28 2021

You might not have chosen to be born, but you're surprisingly better off acting as if you had. You know the scenario: a parent and child get into an argument.  There's usually some sort of pressure on the child to behave in some way or meet some set of expectations that results in the now-cliché response, "I didn't choose to be born!"  What is caus...

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How HR Cracked Life’s Formula for Success

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 23 2021

I know, I know—this headline is going to elicit groans from all of the memories of having to deal with an HR department when getting hired, promoted, or let go.  I get the stigma associated with HR.  But in my research and identifying the keys to success in life, I was looking for analogies that could best explain how it worked.  When doing so, the...

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When to Socialize Your Goals

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 28 2021

You have a burning desire to accomplish a goal.  Do you tell anyone?  Good question; let’s explore the science behind socializing goals. First, it’s important to be clear about the misconceptions around whether socializing your goals is beneficial or harmful.  If you have seen these studies, you may be aware that news organizations can grossly misi...

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