

The Corporate World Is Acknowledging the Growth-Centric View of Meaning and Purpose

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 14 2020

It was difficult mustering the courage to publish my book and put my ideas out there with the possibility that I could've made some serious mistakes.  Sure, I had support from over 100 sources that provided substantive evidence in a growth-centric view of meaning, from Dr. Carol Dweck's Mindset on how the growth mindset leads to success to the fact...

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Life’s 8 Major Fallacies

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 7 2020

Life can be very difficult to understand or figure out.  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why does evil exist?  What is the right thing to do in no-win situations?  Questions like these can eat up your time in deep philosophical thought trying to find the best way to either live optimally or understand why the world works the way it does.

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5 Pieces of Evidence Suggesting a Growth-Centric View of Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, August 26 2020

The growth-centric view of meaning is a relatively new model that has come after years of focusing on ethics, utility, or happiness in philosophy, economics, and psychology (respectively). There have been hints of this view for centuries in science and business, but it had not been seriously considered because of the natural "Why? To what end?"...

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Dare to Be Mediocre

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 10 2020

"Be the best." You hear it all the time. Constantly strive to be the best in anything that you do. But that's not realistic in a broad sense: you can't be the world's greatest chef, baseball player, parent, video game player, driver, singer, and dancer. Quite the contrary, you are constantly balancing everything you do—getting better in one area al...

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