

Finding and Strengthening Meaning During the Pandemic

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 3 2021

The pandemic has caused a lot of soul-searching and deep questions on the meaning of life.  The biggest one is whether people can find deeper meaning in their lives through COVID-19, but they are also asking why things like this happen.  Let's address these questions in this post:

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Can Negative Events Benefit You?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, December 16 2020

"There are plenty of fish in the sea."  "Everything happens for a reason."  "Maybe this was a blessing in disguise."  I know, I sucks hearing these clichés when you'd rather be sulking.  Your significant other left you.  You lost your job.  You are facing a career-ending injury.  You've been betrayed or hurt.  You don't understand why, ar...

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Permanence Sucks (Yeah, I Said It)

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, November 25 2020

Okay, so the title is a little "in your face" in nature, but I wanted to get your attention.  There are a lot of philosophical discussions out there about impermanence, and they all seem to be the same Buddhism-like narrative about how everything is impermanent and so you should detach from everything and learn to let go to evolve beyond attachment...

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What (or Who) Is Your Rock?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, November 18 2020

Life can be tough.  But even in the best of times, you need support to reach your full potential.  In either case, it helps to have a base of support to help you, whether it's to fall back on when you stumble or to stand on to reach higher than you could otherwise. So, what or who is your rock?  This is a big question so that you can prepare for to...

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You Were Not Born to Suffer

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 28 2020

Freddie Mercury might have been born to love you, but you were not born to suffer. While I try to remain objective, analytical, and dispassionate in helping people find meaning in their lives, this mistaken conclusion that people come to is reinforced by popular philosophies...and so it irritates me to no end.  Buddhism talks about dukkha, which is...

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