

Everybody Needs Somebody to Care About Them

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 29 2025

We are a social species. The evolution of life led to cooperative organisms because the life forms that worked to deliberately help each other and not hurt them were more likely to survive. But you can't just have organisms behave like that randomly; for the behavior to occur regularly, there has to be an incentive to do

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The Meaning of Life

There’s No “Happily Ever After”—There’s Always the Next Thing

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, December 18 2024

There is a statement that will tell you everything you need to know about life. It explains the point and, therefore, how to approach it. It’s three simple words: “And then what?” When you understand this statement, you’ll understand life. There’s a famous video game series, Civilization, where the goal of the game (one of them, at least) was to...

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Nathanael Garrett Novosel, September 18 2024

Drama is an interesting (pun intended) concept: the idea of eventful experiences in life that are worth talking about. “Bob went to the store and bought a gallon of milk,” is not interesting. It’s a statement of fact to convey information. Now, one way to spice it up is through plot: “Bob went to the store and bought a gallon of milk only to find...

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Negative Emotional Hacks

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 19 2024

I’ve written several blog posts on the emotional formula that you can use to manage how you feel as effectively as possible: Emotions = Desires + Beliefs + Experiences To summarize, the point of these posts have been to help you identify where your emotions come from and how to change the drivers of those feelings so that you can manage your...

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Trusting Your Feelings vs. Your Feelings Being Honest

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 12 2024

You should always listen to your feelings, and they are always being honest with you. However, you shouldn’t always trust them. How is that possible? Well, your feelings are a combination of your desires, beliefs, and experiences. Your feelings are constantly giving you feedback on all three. For example, if you are about to go skydiving and are...

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Getting a Reaction from Someone—the Downside of Emotions

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, November 29 2023

Emotions are human responses to internal and external stimuli. They provide both a signal to react to certain conditions in your environment and a reward or incentive for beneficial behaviors (or punishment for harmful behaviors). Freud put it best in his Pleasure Principle that people seek pleasure and avoid pain, but to broaden that point out...

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What Underlies Bad Habits

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, November 8 2023

There are two famous books, The Power of Habit and Atomic Habits, that go into detail around how to break or change a habit. This won’t be a rehash of those books, though I do recommend reading them if you’re interested in how habits are formed and how they stick. All that is needed to know for this post is that a habit involves a trigger that...

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Listening to vs. Following Your Emotions

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 18 2023

Roger Ebert (the movie critic) famously said, “Your emotions will never lie to you.” In an amusing coincidence, there are plenty of movies that talk about trusting your feelings and going with your gut. Star Wars, detective stories, and romantic comedies offer plenty of examples of tapping into your instincts or gut feelings to make the right...

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Chicken-or-Egg Problem: Good Attitude or Good Life?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 14 2023

Do you ever have the attitude of, “I’ll change when the world changes?” Yes, this attitude applies to arguments between people (e.g., “I’ll apologize when he apologizes.”) and individual’s behaviors (e.g., Michael Bolton’s “Why should I change? He’s the one who sucks.” in Office Space), but it also applies to your attitude toward the world. After...

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Constructive vs. Unconstructive Caring

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 7 2023

I wrote in my previous post about how people focus more on screaming for others to change than thinking about things that they can do. There’s no doubt that most people care about issues—even though many are either pretending or grossly exaggerating their concern (The Office poked fun at this well when Ryan falsely professed his deep love for...

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