

The Limits of Ethics

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 2 2022

We have come a long way from a world that was about fighting to survive.  Today, society is more about not harming any person while trying to grow and thrive in life.  In the billions of years since the first organism came into existence, social animals evolved to cooperate for greater survival and well-being.  Now, we face a strange situation wher...

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Life’s 8 Major Fallacies

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 5 2022

Mistakes People Make in Their Search for Meaning When people are looking for their meaning in life, they will have trouble finding it if they make erroneous assumptions about how life works or what they’re supposed to do with the one that they’ve been given.  Unfortunately, such fundamental assumptions are held sometimes without people having thoug...

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What Do You Value?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, December 23 2021

In The Meaning of Life, there are two points where we run into the issue of values: growth and ethics.  In the Growth chapter, we talk about identifying growth areas that matter to you.  Obviously, you can do 100 finger curls today and 101 finger curls tomorrow and you’ll have “grown” in your ability to do that, but not many people would say that t...

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Is There a Best or Right Way to Live?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, December 8 2021

“Thus it is that the Tâo [The Way] produces (all things), nourishes them, brings them to their full growth, nurses them, completes them, matures them, maintains them, and overspreads them.” “He who knows (the Tâo [The Way]) does not (care to) speak (about it); he who is (ever ready to) speak about it does not know it.”

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Disagreements Around Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, November 17 2021

Disagreements can be tough.  On one hand, you believe that you are right about your conclusions based on the information you have and the reasoning and ethics you are using to draw those conclusions.  On the other hand, the other person believes the exact same thing.  The reality is that you have different perspectives, information, and ethics, so...

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Freedom vs. Safety: The Ultimate Trade-off

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, October 6 2021

Would you rather be safe or free?  Obviously, people want to say both, as many people use “free” and “safe” interchangeably when, for example, they claim that they want to be “free to go outside” during a pandemic or when a criminal is on the loose when they really want to be safe when they go outside.  But freedom and safety are opposing goals mos...

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Meaning Requires Rights and Responsibilities

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, September 29 2021

To live your life in the most meaningful, flourishing way possible, you have to have freedom.  In a modern, organized society, there is always an authority of some sort, almost always the government, that is meant to balance the freedoms and liberties of the individual with the safety and well-being of the group.  The main means through which socie...

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Ethical Debates Are More About Prioritization Than Right and Wrong

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, June 9 2021

Have your ever argued with someone whether it’s okay to walk up to someone at random and kill them?  Probably not.  It’s pretty clear that killing someone for no reason is morally wrong.  But what if someone was killing you, raping you, or stealing from you?  The answer is that the act becomes clearly moral when that person threatens your life, but...

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Conflating Science and Ethics

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, May 5 2021

Science is an amazing field that allows us to test the nature of our reality and determine how the world works and what is true about the physical universe.  Ethics are a wonderful concept that allows humans to live together in peace and cooperate with one another for greater growth.  However, there seems to be a dreadful trend of conflating scienc...

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The Ethics of Selfishness and Altruism

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 17 2021

Selfishness is bad; altruism is good.  That's probably what you've heard your whole life.  Do kind things for others, and you are a good person; if you focus on yourself, you are a bad person who will live a lonely life.  While there is nothing wrong with helping others, it is strange how warped people's view of these concepts have become.  Let's b...

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