When you’re feeling cynical, miserable, or pessimistic, you are likely to say words to this effect: “Life sucks, and then you die.” What causes this? Well, all life situations are a result of nature and nurture: so some of your life outlook is built in your genetics, and some of it comes as a result of your life experiences.
Read MoreMistakes People Make in Their Search for Meaning When people are looking for their meaning in life, they will have trouble finding it if they make erroneous assumptions about how life works or what they’re supposed to do with the one that they’ve been given. Unfortunately, such fundamental assumptions are held sometimes without people having thoug...
Read MoreThe Meaning of Life Blog has a clear mission: To help individuals understand the primary drivers of humans' sense of meaning in life so that they can foster a greater sense of purpose in their own lives. Why is this so important, and what is different about how I help people with meaning and purpose compared to people who have been writing or speak...
Read MoreHumans have advanced cognitive abilities that allow them to think about themselves and the world around them. That gives them greater survival capabilities, but it also allows them to wallow in despair. The question is, what causes the latter to occur? In other words, why are you questioning your existence?
Read MoreYou might not have chosen to be born, but you're surprisingly better off acting as if you had. You know the scenario: a parent and child get into an argument. There's usually some sort of pressure on the child to behave in some way or meet some set of expectations that results in the now-cliché response, "I didn't choose to be born!" What is caus...
Read MoreWhat happens when we die? No one can know in a scientifically provable way because science cannot study anything outside the physical universe. However, have you ever pondered the options and how they might all lead you to the same conclusion—rendering the answer irrelevant? Let's take a look.
Read MoreMany philosophical and analytical people love to talk about the nature of reality and our existence. Is any of this real, or are we living in a computer simulation? Did we come from nothing, or is there a non-physical realm we go to or come from. Did someone (ourselves or a creator) will us to be here?
Read MoreWhen people ask about their purpose, they often want a "greater" meaning or "higher" purpose in life. But what do they mean by this? Greater/Higher than what? Does this mean a divine meaning? And, if this exists, what is it for you, and is it the same for everyone? Well, while this sounds like an impossible question, it's actually fairly simpl...
Read MoreI've been analyzing the search queries that people are using to search for answers around meaning. Here are a sample list of some of the top ones that get them to stumble upon this blog: The list goes on. First of all, it's interesting that I seem to be quickly becoming the go-to site for people who haven't found any answers elsewhere and are loo...
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