

How Death Affects Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 11 2020

Many people will ponder death and immediately wonder why we're born at all if we just are going to die. The truth is, that's a tempting but incorrect way to look at life: we are born to live, not to die. I get it—the idea that we're just going to die and it's all pointless seems profound when you first think it.  It seems like you've just seen that...

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Why There's No Grand Meaning Revealed at the End of Life

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 19 2020

A lot of people wonder why purpose doesn't culminate or present a "grand reveal" at the end of life. Why, they might ask, does the end of life seem anti-climactic and devoid of meaning? Well, the answer is—other than the fact that life doesn't work like a movie—pretty straightforward. The meaning of life is to grow, and so when your life is ending,...

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The Unified Theory of Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 12 2020

"What if everyone is right?" As a gullible person with ASD, I often listened to whatever I was told as a child. I've never done drugs or smoked. I followed all the rules. I got good grades. I adopted the beliefs and advice of adults around me. As a result, arguments over politics, religion, philosophy, and human behavior fascinated me because I cou...

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The Core Tenets of Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 5 2020

Welcome to The Meaning of Life. If you're here, you are probably wondering what the meaning of life is and how I came to understand it. Well, after over 20 years of studying psychology and human behavior, I asked myself whether I could summarize it all into a few principles that, if followed, could lead anyone to have a sense of purpose in their li...

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Why "Make Your Bed" Is Such a Powerful Message for People

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 29 2020

With their pithy-yet-powerful points, Admiral William H. McRaven's advice to "make your bed" and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's recommendation to "clean your room" are resonating with millions of people. Why is that? Well, this return to simple, clear goals that an individual can accomplish to instill a sense of purpose is filling a major hole in the hea...

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Your New Year’s Resolution: Find Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 8 2020

It’s that time of year again: time to think about your New Year’s resolutions. Lose weight. Change jobs. Find your soulmate. Whatever your resolution is, you have it for one reason: you think that you will be happier having attained that goal. So why do most people give up on those resolutions by February or March at the latest? Other commitments,...

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The Meaning of Life Official Press Release

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 2 2020

Research Identifies the Main Drivers of Humans’ Sense of Purpose New Book from Nathanael Garrett Novosel Dispels Common Myths about How People Find Meaning and Fulfillment January 1, 2020 Annapolis, MD – For years, researchers have debated the main drivers of humans finding meaning and purpose in their existence. The most recent trend in psychology...

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Why Write about the Meaning of Life?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, December 25 2019

"My name is Nate Novosel, and I understand the meaning of life." Bold words, I know. Let me tell you my story, and you'll come to understand my motivation and my goal with this book. When I was a child growing up in Pittsburgh, PA, my father disappeared in the middle of the night. We didn't hear from him for six months. When we did, we found out th...

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