When to Socialize Your Goals

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 28 2021

You have a burning desire to accomplish a goal.  Do you tell anyone?  Good question; let’s explore the science behind socializing goals. First, it’s important to be clear about the misconceptions around whether socializing your goals is beneficial or harmful.  If you have seen these studies, you may be aware that news organizations can grossly misi...

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Inject Your Life with Meaning with One Simple Act

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 21 2021

Care. That is all. Seriously.

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The Implications of Not Knowing What Happens When You Die

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 14 2021

What happens when we die?  No one can know in a scientifically provable way because science cannot study anything outside the physical universe.  However, have you ever pondered the options and how they might all lead you to the same conclusion—rendering the answer irrelevant?  Let's take a look.

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Do You Need to Analyze the Nature of Your Existence to Find Your Purpose in Life?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 7 2021

Many philosophical and analytical people love to talk about the nature of reality and our existence.  Is any of this real, or are we living in a computer simulation?  Did we come from nothing, or is there a non-physical realm we go to or come from.  Did someone (ourselves or a creator) will us to be here?

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The Limits of Financial Growth

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 31 2021

Money is today's medium of exchange for goods and services provided and received.  It's definitely much more convenient than trying to figure out how many scarves should be traded for five pizzas—let alone finding someone who has or needs that many of each item.  The solution is elegant: convert your scarves into money by trading with someone who w...

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The Ethics of Selfishness and Altruism

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 17 2021

Selfishness is bad; altruism is good.  That's probably what you've heard your whole life.  Do kind things for others, and you are a good person; if you focus on yourself, you are a bad person who will live a lonely life.  While there is nothing wrong with helping others, it is strange how warped people's view of these concepts have become.  Let's b...

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Is There a Higher Purpose?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 10 2021

When people ask about their purpose, they often want a "greater" meaning or "higher" purpose in life.  But what do they mean by this?  Greater/Higher than what?  Does this mean a divine meaning?  And, if this exists, what is it for you, and is it the same for everyone?  Well, while this sounds like an impossible question, it's actually fairly simpl...

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The Prison of False Beliefs

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, March 3 2021

Belief.  It can get you through the greatest tragedies.  It can also hold you back.  How do you know the difference, and how can you prevent your beliefs from being a roadblock to realizing your full potential? One of the saddest situations is when someone chooses to live in misery because of their beliefs about their situation.  An example is when...

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What Are People REALLY Searching for?

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 24 2021

I've been analyzing the search queries that people are using to search for answers around meaning.  Here are a sample list of some of the top ones that get them to stumble upon this blog: The list goes on.  First of all, it's interesting that I seem to be quickly becoming the go-to site for people who haven't found any answers elsewhere and are loo...

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How You Literally Create Your Own Reality

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, February 24 2021

"You have to face reality."  "They live in their own reality."  "I reject your reality and substitute my own."  Reality...We talk a lot about what's real vs. not, but what is it?  What is real, and do you really have to face it?  We're going to analyze this logically and, surprisingly, find that you actually do create your own reality—not in a meta...

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