Life Goals


When to Socialize Your Goals

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 28 2021

You have a burning desire to accomplish a goal.  Do you tell anyone?  Good question; let’s explore the science behind socializing goals. First, it’s important to be clear about the misconceptions around whether socializing your goals is beneficial or harmful.  If you have seen these studies, you may be aware that news organizations can grossly misi...

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Why It's Difficult to Figure Out What Will Make You Happy

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 27 2021

Ahhh, happiness.  It's what people think the whole point of life is.  But happiness seems to be so evasive.  You don't always know what will make you happy, and even if you do then it seems so fleeting.  What is going on here?  Can you truly live happily ever after?  Can you buy happiness?  What even is happiness, and can you define it?  Once you d...

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Can't Find Meaning in Life?  Create It.

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, January 6 2021

I am really sad to report that my highest-performing blog post of all time at the time of this post is 8 Types of People Who Don't Find Life Meaningful; another post that gets a lot of clicks via search engines is Eight Reasons Life Can Seem Insignificant and Meaningless.  Unfortunately, it appears (for my work at least) that my posts that start wi...

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Don't Confuse the Goal, Morals, and Happiness in Your Search for Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, September 16 2020

In my 30 years of studying psychology, philosophy, religion, and how the world works, one thing always bothered me: every system that exists to give you a comprehensive view of how life works or how you should live always lays it all out as one complete package without explaining how the concepts relate to each other.  For example, if you believe t...

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