

Don't Confuse the Goal, Morals, and Happiness in Your Search for Meaning

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, September 16 2020

In my 30 years of studying psychology, philosophy, religion, and how the world works, one thing always bothered me: every system that exists to give you a comprehensive view of how life works or how you should live always lays it all out as one complete package without explaining how the concepts relate to each other.  For example, if you believe t...

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Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, May 27 2020

You know the situation: you do everything you're supposed to do, you do everything the right way...and then bad things happen to you. How is that fair? Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a tough one to answer since it requires giving what might seem to be bad news (does that make me the bad thing happening to a good person reading thi...

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10 Fundamental Truths That Everyone Would Be Happier if They Accepted

Nathanael Garrett Novosel, April 22 2020

From my high-view-count Quora post on the subject.  In no particular order:

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